Laura Podolsky

Outside Counsel; Science 37 | Senior Counsel; Nixon Gwilt Law

Laura Podolsky, Esq., is a California licensed attorney and Senior Counsel at Nixon Gwilt Law. Laura draws on her expertise in federal and state laws on clinical research and telemedicine, as well as her experience with complex agreements, data privacy and security, healthcare technology, and multiparty collaborations, to serve innovative clients.

Prior to joining Nixon Gwilt Law, Laura was the founding General Counsel of Science 37, a leader in the decentralized clinical trial field. At Science 37, Laura led development of the legal and regulatory strategies underpinning the decentralized clinical trial model. Laura advises clients on matters related to clinical research, telemedicine, healthcare technology, and data privacy, as well as complex agreements and multiparty collaborations. Laura earned her J.D. and master’s degree in public health from UCLA, and graduated magna cum laude from Duke University. 

Prior to graduate school, Laura lived in Central America for three years, working with labor rights organizations. Originally from Utah, she lives in Los Angeles with her two children and four cats and enjoys coaching soccer, reading, and spending time outdoors.

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